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Essentials idioms in English

“ Without a working knowledge of idioms, even the best speech will remain awkward and ordinary.”
Robert J. Dixson

Idiomatic expressions have an important role in the English language. In fact, the use of idioms is so widespread that understanding these expressions is essential to successful communication.

The student may learn grammar and, with time, acquire adequate vocabulary, but without a working knowledge of idioms, even the best speech will remain awkward and ordinary.

Idiomatic expressions add grace and exactness to the language. For this reason, the idioms, phrasal verbs, and collocations included in this course have been selected because they are, for the most part, basic to good English.

Collocations are words that tend to be used together, not based on rules of grammar, but rather based on traditional patterns of usage by native speakers.

The use of Essential Idioms In English will provide students with a surer grasp of English idioms and greater confidence in using them.

Overall, the Essential Idioms course continues to provide an outstanding comprehensive introductions to idiomatic English for learners at all levels. A great added value to any general conversation course !

Mastering English Usage

Le but est de clarifier les aspects de l’usage de la langue anglaise, autant à l’oral qu’à l’écrit, qui souvent laissent perplexe autant les élèves les plus avancés que les anglophones eux-mêmes.

Le livre Mastering English Usage couvre des aspects de la grammaire, du vocabulaire, de la prononciation, de l’intonation et de la ponctuation. On peut jumeler ce cours avec un cours de conversation

Vous apprenez :

  • à corriger les erreurs évidentes qu’un interlocuteur pourrait percevoir et serait obligé de demander une clarification;
  • à corriger les erreurs moins évidentes qui engendrent la confusion chez l’interlocuteur.

La compréhension et l’usage de la langue étant étroitement liés, l’amélioration se manifestera aux deux niveaux.

Les problèmes et erreurs relevés touchent trois catégories :

A. ils sont fréquents chez les personnes pour qui l’anglais est une langue seconde

B. ils sont difficiles non seulement parce que l’anglais est une langue différente, mais à cause de la structure de l’anglais

C. ils sont sérieux parce qu’ils peuvent causer de l’embarras ou de l’incompréhension

English for Work’s Series

The books in this series present and practise spoken English and practical writing for everyday communication; they feature key words and expressions which will help you in a wide range of work situations. The target language is introduced through short dialogues and texts, and developed in language notes and practice exercises.

Everyday Business Presentation

Business presentations in suitable for anyone who needs to give presentations in the business world, and for students in adult education classes. This course gives language and examples for all stages of a business presentation including the introduction, the main body, talking about statistics and even what to do if you have a problem. The course will help you as you prepare and practise your business presentation.

  • Getting Started
  • Moving on
  • Numbers
  • Visual Aids
  • Problems and questions
  • Concluding

Everyday Business English

Everyday Business English is suitable for anyone who needs to work in the business world. The book contains a range of language common to all who need to use English in their business lives. Whether you use English in meetings, presentations, on the phone or in emails, you will find language to help you work more effectively in this book.

  • Telephoning
  • A company visit
  • Job information
  • Presentations
  • Meetings
  • Entertaining and socialising
  • Travel
  • Emailing

Everyday Business Writing

The book focuses on everyday business writing, which, in today’s business world, is usually sent by email. The book also contains some examples of other types of writing such as letters, memos, telephone messages and cover notes.

Emails are often short and can be very informal. However, even if email is informal, it should still be accurate, appropriate and easy for the reader to understand. Emails can also be formal – for example when writing to someone for the first time, your email can be just as formal as a letter. There is no standard style for email writing and the book reflects this fact in the range of language presented. One point to note is the use of contractions. Some people tend to use contractions. In more formal letter writing, full forms are recommended; in emails either form is used.

  • The basics
  • Making contact
  • Arrangements
  • Meetings
  • Enquiries
  • Orders, dealing with problems
  • Short reports
  • Personal messages
  • Punctuation – Dates and times – abbreviations
Office Hours

  • Monday 9AM to 5PM
  • Tuesday 9AM to 5PM
  • Wednesday 9AM to 5PM
  • Thursday 9AM to 5PM
  • Friday Closed
  • Saturday Closed
  • Su Fermé
Contact Us

École de langues Grandmaison
  • 407, rue McGill, bureau 700, Montréal, QC H2Y 2G3
  • (514) 985-2414
  • info@ecoledelanguesgrandmaison.com