

Our method

Our personalized approach

As our clients say, “It’s easy to organize a course with Grandmaison Language School.”

Our open, flexible approach allows us to put together the perfect course that takes your needs, objectives, schedule, and availability into account.

Based on the goals you set in collaboration with us, we determine the ideal mix of conversation, grammar, writing, and written comprehension.

If you have a presentation to make, an interview to practice for, or a sales pitch you need to work on in another language, we can help.

We offer courses that are truly custom tailored to your needs.

We define the course content -% conversation,% grammar,% writing – according to the candidate’s needs. We use different methods and a variety of resources (corporate material, newspaper, magazine, website, specialized vocabulary collection), depending on the type of work or the objective defined by the participant.

In businesses there is the possibility of individual lessons or lessons in small groups.

For efficiency, each group consists of up to six people. Since it is essential to practice a certain level of fluency, the number of candidates in the group has a direct influence on the effectiveness of the course. For the more participants there are, the less each of them will have the opportunity to speak and practice in the new language.

Since 2020, online courses have multiplied and have proven to be a very accommodating alternative.

Each teacher confirms with the student which technology will be the most optimal.

We use physical and digital material as needed.

Several websites offering exercises and games complement the learning of a second language. In addition to the proposed homework, it is always interesting to vary using the Internet. We offer participants various types of links, depending on the method used.

We can complete your training with courses on the phone if you can not attend your individual classes. We recommend that you occasionally meet your teacher for more efficiency.

A subjective assessment is made by the teacher at the end of the session indicating the student’s improvement and ability to progress to the next level of learning.

At the end of each 30-hour session, the teacher gives each student a personal progress report. Here you will find the points you have improved, in addition to a weighted evaluation as well as suggestions for further training.

A certificate is also issued to each participant at the end of each session.

A teacher evaluation form is given to the third and the last class. We wish to receive the forms at the earliest to ensure the smooth running of each course and the satisfaction of the participants.

We make sure that the course corresponds to the expectations expressed and that the candidates progress according to the objectives set.

The ranking test

The oral test of Grandmaison Language School

We conduct an interview of approximately 15 minutes per person.

We evaluate the extent of his vocabulary, the use of good forms of verbs, the pronunciation, the fluidity of his expression, etc.

We offer ten levels of language courses. You will find a detailed description of each of these Participant Evaluation Levels below.

Option: For the compilation and comparison purposes of the Human Resources Department, or if the candidate so wishes, this interview may be digitally recorded at an additional cost of
$ 25 per candidate.

The written test

We ask the participant to write a text of two pages (10/12 points), double-spaced, expressing his motivation to continue his learning of a language, the training already followed … and any other information that he wants to send us to complete the two pages!

We also have a test that tells us precisely the weaknesses of the candidates.

Note that written tests apply to advanced beginners and above.

Schedules and sessions

We offer courses of two hours twice a week, for optimal integration of the training.

We offer a great flexibility of schedules, according to the availabilities of our customers, and we can give the lessons more intensively, on request, when it is necessary to accelerate the process.

We are aware that, very often, for the management staff, it is difficult to invest four hours a week. We can adapt. We believe that it is preferable to define a program individually with these students, in order to better meet their needs and optimize the time invested in training.

Our teachers are available from 7:30 am to 9 pm Monday to Friday. Saturdays until 5 pm

The choice of the schedule remains totally yours.

Cancellation of classes

A 24-hour notice is required to cancel a course without penalty (the course will be resumed at the end of the session). If the 24 hour deadline could not be respected, the courses are lost.


Seven levels + 3 levels of upgrading

Our method is made up of seven different levels ranging from beginner to advanced. Your starting level and your objectives will be determined at your placement interview. Three levels of upgrading are also offered.

You know a few phrases or words that you may have learned quite some time ago. Your writing, reading, and comprehension skills are very limited and you make numerous mistakes. You translate word for word from your own language.

You understand 50% of everyday conversations when spoken to slowly and clearly, but your vocabulary is still quite limited. You know a bit about grammar, spelling, syntax, and pronunciation. You often use a dictionary. You still think in your own language before translating.

Your syntax is good, but you still make errors. You still have trouble expressing yourself. Although limited, your vocabulary is sufficient for you to understand 60% of everyday conversations when people are speaking normally. You continue to think in your own language before translating.

Minimum level for traveling and asking for what you want.

You read and write without difficulty despite your errors. Idiomatic expressions are hard for you, but you manage to make yourself understood without too much trouble. You still have problems writing a text. Thanks to your growing vocabulary, you now understand conversations on less common topics. You still have a tendency to think in your own language.

Minimum level for serving customers in a store.

You read, write, and speak with a certain fluency, but you haven’t mastered the language yet. Your vocabulary is quite extensive, but certain topics still escape you because you lack specific terms. You are starting to think less in your mother tongue and more in the language you are learning.

You read, write, and speak fluently, but still make errors with strictly idiomatic expressions. Your pronunciation is good. You use a dictionary for technical or less common terms. You still think about 15% of the time in your mother tongue.

Minimum level for a salesperson in Quebec or to serve customers in a professional manner.

You have mastered your new language. Reading, writing, and speaking are no longer a problem. You have stopped thinking in your mother tongue. However, you may still have certain problems with specific aspects of the language, or with unassimilated technical or scientific vocabulary.

You are almost perfectly bilingual. A few minor errors may slip in on occasion, but they are rare. You would feel more comfortable with a broader vocabulary in certain areas. You communicate perfectly. You need to speak English so that you don’t lose what you know.

(3 upgrading courses are offered)

Level to attain to conduct business or deal with customers in Canada and abroad.

Office Hours

  • Monday 9AM to 5PM
  • Tuesday 9AM to 5PM
  • Wednesday 9AM to 5PM
  • Thursday 9AM to 5PM
  • Friday Closed
  • Saturday Closed
  • Su Fermé
Contact Us

École de langues Grandmaison
  • 407, rue McGill, bureau 700, Montréal, QC H2Y 2G3
  • (514) 985-2414
  • info@ecoledelanguesgrandmaison.com